751 S Nineveh Rd
Franklin, IN 46131
Phone & Email
317- 738-4643

About Us
We exist to proclaim Jesus Christ, God’s Son – the one and only Savior who is able to reconcile created man with Creator God. We gather weekly to energetically sing praise and give worship to our Great Savior! We gather to encourage Christ-like living so that love and good works flow from our lives toward others. We pray together because we have confidence that God hears, desires, and responds to our faith-filled requests. And finally, we meet together for the preaching and teaching of God’s authoritative Word – the Bible. We believe the Bible is God’s Word and that by its proclamation, sinners can be saved, our faith can grow, and lives can be eternally changed!
God desires for you to know His plan and purpose for your life. He made you to know Him! We invite you to come discover God’s will for you here at New Life Baptist Church.

Our Pastor
"We invite you to join us as we grow in our knowledge of God and His will for each of us. We are eager for you to know the New Life we have received through Jesus Christ!"
What Does a Baptist Believe?
The Bible
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God and are the only sufficient, certain, and authoritative rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.
(II Tim. 3:16, II Peter 1:19-21)
The Gospel
“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” I Corinthians 15:3-4
1. Christ died for sins. Why? Because we all sin and sin has a steep price – death.
2. Christ died for our sins. You and I need what we cannot give ourselves – a perfect and sinless payment for our sin. That is why Jesus had to die in our place.
3. Christ was victorious over sin and death! No other proclaimed deity or prophet has ever done this – Jesus is God and worthy of praise and acceptance as our only Savior.
4. Christ was received. Paul shared what he first chose to accept – "Jesus is the Savior I need." You can have new life, just like Paul, if you will see your need (a sinner deserving God’s punishment) and call out to your only remedy – Jesus Christ, God’s perfect substitute.
5. Christ was shared. Friend, if you have accepted Christ as your only Savior – telling the world is your calling!
The Christian's Access to God
The Bible teaches that every believer has the privilege to access God directly in prayer through the Perfect High Priest, Jesus Christ. The believer himself is able to study God’s Word, seek the Lord in prayer, and worship Him without the necessity of another man or institution acting as a go between. (Heb. 4:14-16, I Tim. 2:5-6)
The Church
The Lord Jesus is the head of the Church, which is composed of all His true disciples, and in Him is invested supremely all power for its government. According to His commandment, Christians are to associate themselves into particular societies or churches; and to each of these churches hath been given needful authority for administering that order, discipline, and worship which He had appointed. The regular officers of a church are pastor and deacons.
(Matt. 22:21, Acts. 5:29-31, Rom. 13:1-4)
The Lord's Supper & Baptism
The Bible teaches that there are two visible ordinances (patterns) for the church to observe and pass on - baptism (by immersion) and the Lord’s Supper. (Acts 8:36-39, Matt. 26:26-29, Acts 2:38-41, I Cor. 11:23-31)
The Structure of Servant Leadership
The Bible teaches that the two offices of leadership in the church are pastor and deacons. The pastor as an overseer and shepherd of the flock and deacons as servant leaders. (Acts 8:36-39, Matt.
26:26-29, Acts 2:38-41, I Cor. 11:23-31)
Get In Touch
Location: 751 Nineveh Rd.
Telephone: 317-738-4643
Email: info@nlbaptist.com
Sunday: 9:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM