Our HistoryNew Life Baptist Church has been gathering in Franklin since 1981.
We are an independent baptist fellowship. Our ministry aims to faithfully instruct people to observe the Scriptures.
New Life in Christ begins with a new birth – if you do not know of the New Life we speak of, we are happy to tell you of the New Life we have in Jesus Christ – it is available for you as well!
A Word
From Our Pastor
“We believe the Bible is God’s Word and that by its proclamation, sinners can be saved, our faith can grow, and lives can be eternally changed!
God desires for you to know His plan and purpose for your life. He made you to know Him! We invite you to come discover God’s will for you here at New Life Baptist Church.“
– Frank Finney
Get In Touch
Location: 751 Nineveh Rd.
Telephone: 317-738-4643
Email: info@nlbaptist.com
Sunday: 9:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM