Wednesdays 6:45 PM*
Kids4TruthKids have great questions about God. In Kids4Truth Club, they will learn great answers!
Kids age 3-13 join us each week for a time of learning, singing, memorization of Scripture, and fun activities.
Each year we will teach 6 doctrinal themes. Each of the 12 doctrinal themes has 10 key truths for the children to memorize for a total of 120 key truths. Each child will review the 120 truths four times as he moves through the four levels. The key truths become more in-depth with each level.
Level 1 – Discoverers – Age 3-6
An adventurous treasure-hunting theme
Level 2 – Developers – Age 7-8
A construction theme – building the foundation to grow upon
Level 3 – Detectives – Age 9-10
An adventurous clue-finding theme – learning to detect the truth
Level 4 – Defenders – Age 11-13
A medieval theme – learning to defend the faith
If you would like your child to participate in Kids4Truth, please email or call us. As an introduction to the class, your child will receive a Kids4Truth Starter Book. Once this is completed (usually 2-4 weeks) you can purchase a Truth Book for their level ($12). Additional purchases include the child’s standard (sash) that will display their awards and completion of work! ($7)
To register, you may do any of the following:
Attend a Club Meeting – 6:45 PM Every Wednesday During the School Year
Call – 317-738-4643
Email –
Register Your Child
A Word
From Our Pastor
“We believe the Bible is God’s Word and that by its proclamation, sinners can be saved, our faith can grow, and lives can be eternally changed!
God desires for you to know His plan and purpose for your life. He made you to know Him! We invite you to come discover God’s will for you here at New Life Baptist Church.“
– Frank Finney
Get In Touch
Location: 751 Nineveh Rd.
Telephone: 317-738-4643
Sunday: 9:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM
6:30 PM – Kids4Truth