317-738-4643 info@nlbaptist.com


Our Missionaries

New Life Baptist Church is passionate about fulfilling the great commission – to declare the Savior’s work of redemption at home and around the world. 



The Gospel of Jesus Christ has given us new life and is available for souls all around the world. Learn more about New Life in Christ by clicking the button below. 

New Life In Christ - Learn More
Around the World

Our Missionaries

We have partnered with the following missionaries to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These families receive spiritual and financial support from our church members. Their work is a vital part of our work – we are co-laboreres together with Christ. We pray for their specific needs and help, as God provides, for special projects. 

Cary & Susan Abbett
Juliana, Timothy, and Joshua
Missionaries to France 

Nathan & Kristin Childs
Missionaries to Cape Town, South Africa

Josh & Alyssa Clay
Missionaries to Mali

Bill & Becky Petite
Missionaries to Japan

Chris & Laura Sanderlin
Gabe, Ben, Jenna, & Lily
Missionaries to Cameroon, Africa

Shane & Emily Tasker
Missionaries to the Congo

Daniel & Ruth Norwood
Missionaries to Spain

Get In Touch

Location: 751 Nineveh Rd.

Telephone: 317-738-4643

Email: info@nlbaptist.com

Sunday: 9:30 AM / 10:30 AM / 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM

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